Cycling sport came in my life only when twin daughters were about 2-3 years of age - Initially just try to getting better shape - but pretty quickly I started a systematic training program. Looking back, thinking sport - its content, dominated my daily life - as indeed it should be one of the athlete-oriented ... But, now I can recognize that, the family probably suffered from it, I was not unable to combined these in appropriate proportions. Sport, had come to me some sort of drug, where I control myself, my food and my life. The interview as it became clear how often the athlete's identity is built according to what he/she is doing, to perform.
But what is an athlete, his career is over?
What do I have if I am not role an athlete - the difficulty make a decisions - Motivation problems - Performance calculation - How to fill it with a vacuum, which comes after stopping - on the ground would have to stand up again and start to build a new life ...
Large individual changes happening in my life two years ago has brought me into this space, which I have already processed the idea at the level of last spring. Even training motivation was at times painful and persistent pain in the injuries are eating human mental capital. However, I had decided to take the period 2011 through the best possible way - and I was surprised to tasollani increased slightly, although the relatively
profits from previous years. I explained myself a manifestation of the fact that I had made a decision to stop after season. competition would be the last season. It was stress-free interval, the results spoke for themselves. Supported the decision was also that I had filed for sports massage therapist in training - and confirmed that I would be the place for the next course section studies.
I ran throughout the previous summer between home in Finland and abroad ... the race after race. Sometimes I remember an indication that the equation - Single parent - Athlete - The mother - is not the easiest to be implemented at a practical level the trinity - but I was determined to go, and to do best the performance for the period through to the season. I did what was required, or what others expected.

So, the time has come to make the final choice! Of all types of emotional storms, which has gone through, crying - a kick - a rage - And I still processes.

These tears ...